About Bink

Bink was created in 2015 as a random word to put in the company feild of an app I was testing. Since then, Bink has become the front for all my work

Early Days

This blog post is about some of my earliest projects.


Bink was created in 2015 as a random word to put in the company field of an app I was testing. Since then, Bink has become the front for all my work

The logo for Bink was created in 2016 for a school project. It was later animated rotating in Blender to put on my first personal website in 2018. Before this, I had made a few other websites for other people but this one was the first I had made for myself. I hosted it on my Raspberry Pi and registered the sub-domain bink.voltage.nz for free using freedns.afraid.org.

My first website

I used this website to post tests of a character controller I was making in unity. I got my friends to try it and give me feedback. In 2019 I had to make a website for another school project. I chose to make a blogging website. In doing so I learnt how to use PHP and MySQL effectively. The site featured a much improved look, a working account register and login page with encrypted passwords, a page for each user where they could post whatever they wanted, a simple comment system and it stored cookies somewhat insecurely to remember who's logged in. It was a great website but it was in no way free of security and design flaws.

My blogging website


In 2014 I got my first computer. It was one of those white MacBook Pros that were made of plastic. I got unity on this computer but it just sat there because I didn't know how to use it and it was so slow. Later in 2016, I got a 2012 MacBook pro for school. This computer was much more powerful and could handle Unity. I can't remember what encouraged me to look back into unity again, but for whatever reason, I chose to give it another go. It was at this time I made my first 'Game'. At the time I didn't know how useful tutorials were so I just got to experimenting. This was how I approached most new things but I wouldn't recommend it. You end up having to do a lot more work and often miss very crucial steps. Using the Unity asset store and the sample assets I managed to cobble together a game without using a single line of code. In Bayswater (that's what I named it) the sample third person character chases you using Unity's pathing system. If it touches you the level resets.

My first unity game

After this, I made a few other projects and got better at using unity. At one point I found out about tutorials and I could create small unfinished projects at an unprecedented rate. Eventually, I made my second game, this game was made using Brackeys multiplayer fps tutorial. It was around this time that I started getting quite confident at C#. While I did follow a tutorial to make this game I improvised with a lot of it and even switched from Unity's multiplayer system to PUN. After I finished the multiplayer project I wanted to make a better character controller. This was the first project I did where I not only got the project to work but I worked on polishing the project. I learnt quite a lot form doing this and ended up with a animated moving character that could walk, run, crouch and jump.